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Cinema is my first and final love. I profoundly love watching cinema and wish to make great films.


I believe in a world without borders. The cinemas I have watched have deeply convinced me that there is not much difference between an Indian and an Italian or a Sri Lankan and a Danish. As long as good cinema and art survive, borders are just imaginary. Cinema makes me think and feel beyond borders of all sorts. It is perhaps the best medium that takes global human emotions to anyone who can listen and observe.


So, I prefer saying all humans are my brothers and sisters. May be they are from Japan, China, Kazakhstan, France, North Africa, Latin America or elsewhere. Cinema from different places has deeply taught me a simple thing: in spite of cultural and political differences, people all over the world are the same. They ponder over similar crises, nurse similar pains, share same feelings, delight in identical dreams and worry over the same dilemmas. We all are just humans. And cinema constantly reminds me this fact.


Most of the times, I associate with the sorrows and pleasures of my favorite characters on screen. Of course, there are times I strongly dissociate myself from their thoughts. But beyond all such agreements and disagreements – cultural and civilizational and theoretical – I do not afford to miss a realization. That cinema is one of the best ways to address the world’s people: men and women, leaders and thinkers, everyone and each one in the whole humanity. I wish to address my brothers and sisters in the world, cutting across all boundaries and to talk to them in my language: language of visuals. I think this is my way, my weapon, sometimes it may hurt you and sometimes it may please you. Like truth.

This is what I think of my potential cinema. This is how I would justify my unquenchable thirst for becoming a filmmaker. I am from a small village in Kerala in India and I speak Malayalam. But my dreams speak cinema. I dream to become a global filmmaker.

with love, ZAKARIYA

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